On 9th and 11th June, two meetings on the legalisation of stay in Poland were held with the Association for Legal Intervention.
Thank you very much for your commitment and presence.
Financial assistance benefits available at the University of Warsaw – online survey
We kindly request you to take part in the first such comprehensive survey on the financial assistance available to the students of our University, prepared by the Student Council
Intensive Polish Language Course for international employees of University of Warsaw
The University of Warsaw is offering an unpaid 76-hour intensive Polish language course online for international employees.
Visiting Lecturer Grants – competition results
Under The University’s Integrated Development Programme, in the next academic year the University will host a total of 8 researchers from various foreign universities and representing different scientific disciplines. They will join the education of first- and second-cycle students and long cycle students, share their didactic experience with the UW staff and present the results of their research during open lectures and seminars with doctoral students.
Third round of vaccinations at the University Vaccination Point
UW employees and their closest family members can get vaccinated against COVID-19 at the University Vaccination Point, located in the University of Warsaw Library building. It is possible to get vaccinated until 14th June, depending on the number of available places.
UW in QS World University Rankings 2022
The University of Warsaw has been ranked 308th in the latest QS World University Rankings – one of the world’s most-consulted international rankings that name top 1 300 universities. The 18th edition of the ranking has seen the university rise 13 places year on year.
Information Saturday 12 June 2021 at The Department of Foreigners
The Department of Foreigners invites you to participate in Information Saturdays. The next meeting will take place on 12th June 2021 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Department of Foreigners. Due to the restrictions related to the pandemic, foreigners who book a visit in advance through the form will be served.
Second round of vaccinations at University Vaccination Point
The second round of registration for vaccinations at the University Vaccination Point (Uniwersytecki Punkt Szczepień, UPSz) in the University of Warsaw Library building is open until 8th June (midnight).
What’s new at Make it Visible project?
For the past 3 months, a group of international students have been working on the “Make it visible! Communication and promotion project” under the guidance of trainers from the Volunteer Centre of UW. The aim of the project is rethinking communication and promotion strategy of extracurricular activities at UW.
Welcome Point on Instagram
We are aware of the dynamic development of social media, therefore we decided to create another space for the international community of the University of Warsaw. We want to be closer to international students and bring you the latest information. That is why from today we are also available on Instagram.