Winter lack of sunshine – Vitamin D3

Vitamin D is produced in the body when exposed to the sun. But what can we do when there is not much sunshine, and when there is, we dare to expose only our faces? In winter in cold climate zones, such as Poland, there is a risk of vitamin D deficiency, which is a problem for most people in Poland. In winter, we need vitamin D especially because its adequate level is good for the body’s immunity. It also facilitates the absorption of calcium and is an important factor in the body’s overall calcium economy, which makes it especially important for our bone health.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency can manifest itself through frequent infections and weakness. It can also be indicated by inflammation of the skin and conjunctiva, as well as muscle pains and neuralgia. The most reliable way to find out if we have a vitamin D deficiency is to get a blood test to determine our vitamin D levels.

It is important to remember that excess vitamin D is also harmful. It raises blood calcium levels, causes abdominal pain, headaches, and eye pain, and can cause diarrhea. Such symptoms occur when we take 50,000 IU of vitamin D per day (there are 1,000 IU in one herring).

Where to get vitamin D from in wintertime?

  • Do not use a solarium, because the lamps do not emit UVB rays, which are needed to produce vitamin D.
  • Eat fish. Herring and mackerel, i.e. oily sea fish, and smoked eel – an oily freshwater fish – contain quite large amounts of vitamin D. You can also add avocado, egg yolks, and blueberries, as well as butter, cream, and liver.
  • Take supplements, such as cod liver oil. Today, it is available in capsules, so we can neither taste nor smell it.