Mazowieckie Province Office has introduced a new portal for foreigners – inPOL.
4EU+ workshops on Open Science
What is Open Science? What happens with a scientific publication between the time of writing and the formatted paper published in an academic journal? What are the Creative Commons licenses? These aspects of Open Science will be explored during a series of online workshops organised by the universities of the 4EU+ Alliance, including the University of Warsaw.
Results of the 4th round of the Visiting Lecutrers competition
We have completed the fourth (and final) call for candidates for Visiting Lecturers at the University of Warsaw within the ZIP Program. This time our call for applications met with a particularly wide response, and the special committee appointed by the Rector had the extremely difficult task of selecting the best of the outstanding candidates and allocating the last project funds assigned for this purpose.
Registartion for dormitory from the pool of free places – next round
Registration for Dormitory will start on October 21, 2021 at 12:00 (12:00am). It will be held online via the Registration, like the registration optional university courses, foreign language courses at the University of Warsaw.
Campus Orientation for UW employees
Welcome Point and the University of Warsaw Museum invite UW employees to participate in Campus Orientation – 1,5 hour guided walks around the UW Main Campus. The tour will take place on 20th October, 2 p.m. Prior registration is required.
Multicultural Meetings about Poland
Various topics prepared by students of the University of Warsaw are waiting for you, both offline and online.
Location-based game through the Old Town with Welcome Point UW! – the second round!
Due to the huge interest in the game last week, our Welcome Point Pavilion team would like to announce we are orginizing the second round! So if you didn’t get a chance to take part in the location-based game through the Old Town, now you can do it!
Open call for NAWA scholarships – Belarus students can apply until the 20th of October
‘Solidarity with Belarus-students’ opens Action for scholarships for Belarusian students in Poland. Are you a first year student or did you get help from NAWA last year? Check if you meet criteria!
Registration for dormitory from the pool of free places
Students who are still interested in applying for a student’s dorm can do that on the 5th of October, at 20.00 (8 p.m.).
Online Students’ Guide
To make your first steps in Warsaw and at our University easier, the Welcome Point team has prepared for you a Students’ Guide.