Online Library Training for international students

Getting into the Christmas mood, Welcome Point and the University of Warsaw Library have a small gift for UW international students – extra Online Library Training. Meeting conducted in English will be held on December 15 at 6 pm (CET). Prior registration is required. 

Job Offer

We are inviting candidates to work in Welcome Point as an IT specialist/ developer. Read more information  

INTERSTUDENT 2022 – competition for the best foreign student in Poland

The 12th edition of the INTERSTUDENT competition for the best international student in Poland is just around the corner! The competition is aimed at international students in Poland at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level who through their activities build bridges between cultures and enrich the Polish academic environment. Application deadline: December 17, 2021.

Vaccination at UW

International students, PhD candidates and UW employees can get vaccinated against COVID-19 at the Centermed clinic on the UW Main Campus, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28.

Online Library Training for international staff

Welcome Point together with the University of Warsaw Library organise Library Training in English for UW international staff. Meetings will be held online, on 1st and 7th December. 

Legalisation of stay – informational meeting online, November 2021

Do you ask yourself the following questions: Do I need to legalise my stay? How can I do it during a pandemic? We all know that the subject of legalisation of stay in Poland might seem extremely complicated in the beginning! That’s why Welcome Point would like to invite all students for two informational meetings on legal issues concerning residence in Poland.

New workshops for the international staff

Due to the growing interest in our offer among our international employees, we decided to organize something especially for you!
We are pleased to invite you to our two workshops in the field of cultural orientation and Polish culture as well as onboarding at the University of Warsaw.