The best international student in Poland

The twelfth edition of the INTERSTUDENT competition has been won by Karen Nyakato Kyabega, BA student from the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw.

PE classes in the summer semester

The Physical Education and Sports Centre has prepared an offer of PE classes conducted in English for the summer semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. This year, doctoral students can also sign up for free PE. Registration starts on February 3 at 9 pm. Check out the offer and registration rules.

We vaccinate! New vaccination point at UW

From January 4, international students and PhD students can register for free vaccinations at the dedicated vaccination point on Żwirki i Wigury Street.

UW Rector’s letter to the academic community

We are publishing the letter from Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, UW Rector. The letter presents the UW authorities attitude to the pandemic reaching the territory of our country. It also refers to the last spring decision on a regular mode of study in the University of Warsaw.