Welcome Meeting for New International UW Employees – January 19th.
Scholarships to Start – II edition
The Scholarship to Start initiative’s second edition has been launched! It is addressed to the most talented students and PhD candidates who have been accepted to the University of Warsaw or Doctoral School in a certain academic year.
2023 with Welcome Point!
2023 with Welcome Point!
Summary of the programme — Warsaw University for Ukraine
A conference to conclude the programme was held on 15 December with the participation of the authorities of the University of Warsaw and the City of Warsaw, and representatives of the diplomatic corps.
Workshop: Exams are coming! How to be(come) effective learner and get rid of unnecessary stress.
The tough time of exams is coming up and so Welcome Point team has prepared a special workshop.
Polish language course for international UW employees – registration for winter trimester
The University of Warsaw is offering an unpaid 30-hour online Polish language courses. Classes will be held twice a week between January 15th and March 27th, 2024. The courses are intended for University employees.
Excursion to the Museum of the University of Warsaw
You are cordially invited to an excursion of the Museum of the University of Warsaw.
Legalisation of stay in Poland: Meeting for UW International Employees.
Legalisation of stay in Poland: Meeting for UW International Employees.
Quality of Learning and Teaching for International Students in Poland
Our colleagues from the Warsaw School of Economics are organising an online webinar on the quality of learning and teaching for international students in Poland.
Meeting about the University of Warsaw – Зустріч на тему Варшавського Університету – Oнлайн
The WELCOME POINT team invites you to an online meeting dedicated to the University of Warsaw on the Zoom platform! The meeting will take place this Saturday 02.12 at 11:00!