IBM® SPSS® statistical tool course for UW employees

The University of Warsaw has launched online courses in the use of the IBM® SPSS® platform. The courses are open to UW employees under contract or appointment, beginners and intermediate users of the IBM SPSS software. Application deadline: February 20th, 2023.

University of Warsaw for Ukraine!

The University of Warsaw, within the framework of the project entitled Third Mission of the Faculty of Modern Languages of the University of Warsaw, has launched the program University of Warsaw for Ukraine. The program is addressed to people from Ukraine who are not employees or students of the University of Warsaw.

Open call for applications for the Interstudent 2023 competition

The 13th edition of the INTERSTUDENT competition for the best international student in Poland is here! The competition is aimed at international students in Poland at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level who through their activities build bridges between cultures and enrich the Polish academic environment.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

While the weather outside is turning everyone’s noses into Rudolph’s look, the Welcome Point Team hopes to warm your hearts with some sincere wishes.