We invite all international students and PhD students (of all years, short-term or long-term) to a super handy and interesting workshop regarding “Cultural Orientation in Poland” which will take place 23rd November.
The final clay modelling workshop – Завершальний майстер-клас з ліплення з глини
Join us for the last clay modelling workshop – Завершальний майстер-клас з ліплення з глини. You can make a small masterpiece for yourself or for your friends! 🙂
Don’t forget to renew your Trusted Profile!
Trusted Profiles that were automatically extended during the pandemic are running out of time. Don’t forget to extend the validity of your Trusted Profile!
Welcome to take a part in research study – BEING A PARENT AT UW – a university-wide research study of the needs of parents at the university
We would like to invite you to take a part in research study – BEING A PARENT AT UW
A new film about the Polish health service is available on our website!
During the autumn period, we are particularly vulnerable to illnesses such as the flu and the common cold. We would like to remind you how important it is to have insurance. For this, we have prepared a new film about the Polish health service. Enjoy! 🙂
Don’t get lost in the autumn fog – adaptation workshops for UW employees
In November, Welcome Point invites new international employees to cultural orientation and adaptation workshops.
Workshop on making flowers from crêpe paper – Mайстер-клас з виготовлення квітів з крепового паперу
We would like to invite you to a Workshop on making flowers from crêpe paper – Mайстер-клас з виготовлення квітів з крепового паперу. You can make a bouquet for yourself or for your friends! 🙂
Wool paintings – Картини з вовни
We would like to invite you to Clay workshop – Майстер-клас з глини! Immerse yourself in the joy of wool painting and feel like an artist!
Welcome Meeting for New International UW Employees
Welcome Meeting for New International UW Employees
Welcome Point stands
We would like to invite you to our Welcome Point stands on chosen University faculties and units! 🙂