Psychological help in Ukrainian

From January 2024, if you are a student or employee of the University of Warsaw and need psychological support, you can now get help in Ukrainian!

Feel free to contact The Psychological and Counselling Services Centre if you are dealing with problems such as

  • Feeling anxious
  • Having a depressed mood
  • Difficulty staying motivated to learn
  • Difficulty acclimatising to a new place
  • Need help with planning for the future
  • Dealing with low self-esteem
  • Facing challenges in your relationships with others

Sessions are held in Ukrainian. Simply email the University of Warsaw The Psychological and Counselling Services Centre at to arrange a consultation.

Meet psychologist, Maryna Ogorodniychuk. She is an expert in person-centred therapy based on the method of K. Rogers, a member of the Ukrainian Association of Psychotherapists and has more than 10 years of practical professional experience.

Remember, reaching out for support is a courageous step towards well-being, and the Centre for Psychological and Counselling Services is here to help you. More information can be found on their website.