Official UW Students Group on Facebook

Official UW Students Group for international students and candidates is now available on Facebook. The group is dedicated to international candidates and students of the University of Warsaw. We believe that it is going to be an effective communication platform for the University community.

Find your Mentor

Mentor is a Polish student who can give you a hand during your first days in Warsaw. Buddy can pick you up from the airport, guide you through the procedures at the University, help solving some basic problems that newcomers usually have, and, last but not least, spend some quality time with you and show you the city.

Intensive Polish Language Course at the University of Warsaw

The University of Warsaw is offering an unpaid fourty-hour intensive Polish language course. The primary goal of the course is to build up the capacity of international students to living, learning, working and enjoying in Poland. Participants of the course will explore at the elementary level secrets of the Polish language and acquire knowledge of Polish culture essential to reside in Poland.

Into the European direction

“The University of Warsaw is a great place to develop yourself. If it had not been good, I would not have done my Bachelor and Master’s studies here. I liked it so much that I decided to stay. Now, I am a doctoral student at the Faculty of Economic Sciences at UW,” says Kristóf Gyódi who also works in the Digital Economy Lab of UW (DELab).

Join us!

We are inviting candidates to work as Welcome Point team member.

4EU Alliance rectors met in Prague

On 29th June, the rectors of the universities, that belong to the 4EU Alliance, gathered in Prague and discuss the key issues related to the collaboration between partner universities.

Come to Warsaw and see it for yourself

Elizabeth I. Lekahena decided to study International Relations at the University of Warsaw because of Model of United Nations (MUN). It is an educational simulation in which students at high school, and university level learn more of diplomacy, international relations and the United Nations.

Passenger Invervention Project in Warsaw!

Dear Fellow Students,
We gladly would like to invite you to our event we are organizing on 22nd, 23rd and 24th of June. We are renting a tram where we’ll lead discussions on how to react to instances of verbal and physical harassment in public places for both local and foreign participants.