Online Welcome Week!

Welcome Point would like to invite all international students for a week with a series of meetings, which will help you at the very beginning of your stay in Warsaw and study at University of Warsaw.

Online Welcome Day 2020

Welcome Point would like to help you at the very beginning of your stay in Warsaw. That is why we invite all new long-term international students for a very special online welcome meeting that will inaugurate the academic year 2020/2021.

Registration for PE classes

In the current semester, registration for PE classes starts on 24th September 9 pm. Physical Education and Sports Centre managed to prepare a wide range of classroom activities, to which students are cordially invited.

Cultural Orientation at UW – practical workshops for international students 2020

The new academic year is about to begin. Studies are supposed to be one of the most beautiful times in life of every person. Unfortunately, the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic thwarted our plans and, unfortunately, many international students will not be able to start their adventure with our University in Poland.

Shapers of the Future 2020

Join Shapers of the Future! New edition of an intensive development program for young leaders who care about innovation, social issues and public good organized by Warsztat Innowacji Społecznych, together with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

Remote winter semester

The winter semester in the 2020/2021 academic year at the University of Warsaw will be held remotely.  Classes, language courses, exams and lecturers’ duty hours will be conducted online. If the classes, due to their specificity, require direct contact with the lecturer, they can be conducted on a stationary basis, while maintaining sanitary requirements.

Recruitment for MOST Program 2020/2021

The Student and Postgraduate Mobility Program (MOST) enables students to complete a semester or a year of education at a different national university. Recruitment for the winter semester and the entire academic year 2020/2021 starts on 2nd of  September and lasts to 15th of September.

Solidarity with Belarus

The University of Warsaw shows its solidarity with the protesters in Belarus after the country’s disputed presidential election.

Find or become a Mentor!

Do you wonder how you are going to live through your first days in the city that you have never been to? Would you like to have somebody here, in Warsaw, waiting for you, ready to be helpful right from the start?