We are pleased to announce that the WELCOME POINT team has prepared another event for you. We would like to invite you to workshop: Паперова мозаїка – Paper mosaic.
Clay modelling – Ліплення з глини
We are pleased to announce that the WELCOME POINT team has prepared another event for you. We would like to invite you to Clay modelling – Ліплення з глини.
Open film screenings as part of the “SKILLS FOR THE FUTURE” summer school – Відкриті кінопокази в рамках літньої школи “SKILLS FOR THE FUTURE”
This time, we would like to invite you to the film screenings that will take place as part of the summer school “SKILLS FOR THE FUTURE”.
Wool paintings – Картини з вовни
We are pleased to announce that the WELCOME POINT team has prepared another event for you. We invite you to the masterclass: Wool paintings – Картини з вовни.
Join our Pavilion Team!
We are inviting students to work as Welcome Point team member from mid September to mid-October.
2nd online Meeting dedicated to the University of Warsaw – Друга онлайн зустріч присвячена Варшавському Університету
We are pleased to announce that the WELCOME POINT team has prepared another event for you. We would like to invite you to the 2nd online Meeting dedicated to the University of Warsaw – Друга онлайн зустріч присвячена Варшавському Університету.
The art of “Vytynanka” – Мистецтво “Bитинанки”
We are pleased to announce that the WELCOME POINT team has prepared another event for you. We invite you to the masterclass The Art of “Vytynanka” – Мистецтво “Bитинанки”.
Join the Welcome Point team – job offer
We are inviting candidates to work as Welcome Point team member.
Meeting dedicated to the University of Warsaw – Зустріч присвячена Варшавському Університету
We are pleased to announce that the WELCOME POINT team has prepared another event for you. We would like to invite you to the Meeting dedicated to the University of Warsaw.
Origami and quilling classes for adults – Заняття з оригамі та квілінгу для дорослих
We are pleased to announce that the WELCOME POINT team has prepared another event for you. We would like to invite you to Origami and quilling classes for adults.