What’s new at Make it Visible project?

For the past 3 months, a group of international students have been working on the “Make it visible! Communication and promotion project” under the guidance of trainers from the Volunteer Centre of UW. The aim of the project is rethinking communication and promotion strategy of extracurricular activities at UW.

The starting point was last year’s workshop with international students, during which it became clear that there is a communication gap between students and University’ units involved in extracurricular activities. Although there is a rich offer of workshops, meetings or volunteer opportunities, it does not reach potential participants. We have invited international students to join us and change it.

The series of online workshops took place from March to May. From the beginning, the trainers from the Volunteer Centre of UW – Miriam Kołak and Katarzyna Kucharska – wanted to teach outside the classroom, through experience and practice. Hence the idea to finish the workshops with a film advertising extracurricular activities among the students. To do so, participants learnt how to design, plan and conduct promotion and communication campaigns in the international community. They focused on intercultural differences and their influences on the communication process as well as considered what promotional materials should look like. There were meetings with communication and scriptwriting experts – Mieszko Czerniawski who runs social media at the UW and Marcin Grembowicz – he revealed the secrets of a good script.

What else happened within the project? Who got involved in it? You can check it out on the Make it visible website