UW Open Day 2021 Online

On 24th April  the Open Day will be held at the University of Warsaw. During the online meeting, candidates for studies will be able to: learn about the university’s educational offer, recruitment rules, take part in demonstration lessons, workshops and quizzes. please register to participate in the event.

The Open Day is one of the most important cyclical events of the University of Warsaw. This year – just like last year – it will take place remotely. Everyone interested in studying at the University of Warsaw will have the opportunity to learn about the functioning of the university, study programs presented by faculties and units. The event will be opened by prof. Sławomir Żółtek, the Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Teaching.

The University of Warsaw Open Day will be held on 24th April  from 10 am to 4 pm on the platform: dzienotwarty.uw.edu.pl. All those wishing to attend the meeting are asked to fill in the registration form here.

Only registered people will have full access to the platform.

Please also join our event on Facebook.

During the event all international candidates will be able to learn the most important facts about the University of Warsaw, recruitment rules and the offer of English-language studies. As Welcome Point UW, the university information point for students, PhD students and foreign employees, we invite you to our stand, where you can get information about your stay in Poland and at the university.

We can’t wait to meet you!