We’ve got some good news for you! The registration for PE classes in English in the summer semester 2022/2023 starts on January 30, 9 pm.
- Here you can find al list of PE classes in English
- The registration schedule can be found here
- Here is step by step instruction how to enroll
The registration page for PE classes, language courses and OGUNs: https://rejestracja.usos.uw.edu.pl/
PhD students also have opportunity to use 30 free tokens to register for Physical Education classes in the summer semester.
To receive tokens, you should send a notification containing your student ID card number to the following email address: dodatkowe.zetony@uw.edu.pl. Tokens will be granted for the second round of registration. The granted tokens will allow you to enroll in the II and III round of registration for one PE class.