Pre-arrival checklist

Welcome to the University of Warsaw Team!

We hope the following checklist will help you with your travel preparations:

  • 1. Confirm Your Start Date

Decide when you are going to start your work contract and discuss the date with your faculty/unit well in advance.

  • 2. Gather Important Documents 

Stay in touch with your faculty/unit to receive a comprehensive list of essential documents and ensure they are all organized.

  • 3. Visa application 

If applicable, apply for your visa, as well as visas for any members of your family accompanying you).

Read more on entry rules here

  • 4. Health Insurance

Consider additional travel or health insurance (for yourself, your partner and your children) and consult your health insurance provider on international coverage.

Please note that during the whole period of employment at the University of Warsaw you will be insured in the National Health Fund (PL: NFZ) and you will be entitled to the same health care as Polish citizens. The University also offers the possibility to buy additional health insurance. 

  • 5. Accommodation

Find out about the accommodation in your new place of residence and begin as early as possible to search for housing that suits your needs. 

Please note that The University of Warsaw does not provide accommodation for all employees. Nevertheless, some units offer some additional options, so please contact your faculty/unit in this matter. 

Read more about accommodation here 

  •  6. Legal documentation

Prepare any necessary legal documents such as marriage and birth certificates. Ensure they’re legalized or apostilled and translated into Polish if needed.

The method of confirming the authenticity of the documents (apostille vs legalisation) depends on the country of issue:

a) If the country that issued the document is a member of Hague Convention, documents such as a marriage certificate must be certified with an apostille stamp

b) If the country that issued the document is not a member of the Hague Convention, the party responsible for the legalisation of your documents is the Polish Consulate located in your home country or in the country from which the documents come from.

Learn about taxation and social security obligations. Decide whether to pay tax in Poland or your home country and provide necessary documentation accordingly.

a) Paying tax in Poland:

For academic teachers and researchers, taxes in Poland are relatively low. If you decide to pay tax in Poland and exercise your right to 50% deductible costs for your work, you will only need to complete a document (PIT-2) upon arrival at your faculty/unit of the UW.  Then, the tax will be paid by the University (withdrawn from your salary).

Read more about Polish tax system

b) Paying tax in your home country:

If you would like to pay taxes in your home country, please provide the UW Financial Department with a statement of tax residency. A certificate issued by a tax institution in your country, translated into Polish by a sworn translator (the translation can be done after you arrive in Poland);

When it comes to social insurance matters:

a) If you are a non-EU citizen, your insurance premiums will be withdrawn automatically from your salary.

b) As the insurance systems of the EU countries are integrated, the insurance premiums can be paid by the University to other EU countries’ insurance institutions. It will contribute to your pension rates, so this is a highly recommended option. In order to do so, please submit A1 form issued by the insurance institution in your country to your faculty/unit.

Important: It can be done only from the home country, it is impossible to get the document later, after arrival to Poland.

Only on the basis of this document will the University be able to transfer your premiums to another country (otherwise the transfer will have to be made to the Polish institution).