The Global Migration Film Festival

The International Organisation for Migrations invites for the Global Migration Film Festival during which you can see international films that capture the promise and challenges of migration for those who leave their homes in search of a better life and the contributions they make to their new communities.

1 December the Welcome Point open until 1:30 pm

On the 1st of December the Welcome Point will be open shorter, from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm. We are sorry for this inconvenience and invite you to contact us via email:

Mission: christmas tree for children staying at hospital

  Take part in the mission that The University Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw has prepared for you! Gather a crew and make a Christmas Tree for children staying at a neighbour Copernicus hospital. The only things you need are a motivation and around three hours of your spare time! The task is

Workshop concerning students finance

Polskie Forum Migracyjne (Polish Migration Forum) invites international students for the workshop concerning financial issues and doing business in Poland. During the meeting which, will be held on November 24th, you will learn how to plan home budget, how to start and run your own business in Poland, as well as about possibilities of raising funds

“New Age of Recruitment” workshop

The UW Careers Office invites international students for the workshop “New Age of Recruitment” organised by Korn Ferry Futurestep. You will have a chance to learn how to recruit using social media and how you can build your own brand visibility online. The workshop will be conducted in English by two employees with EMEA recruitment experience.

Passenger intervention project

Interested in preventing and reacting to agression in Warsaw public transport? Join the Passenger Intervention team (Interwencja Pasażerska, implemented as an Action Project for Humanity in Action Polska) and come to the information meeting which will take place at the University Volunteer Center (University Library Building, next to Fenomenalna café) on 13th of November 2017,

Welcome Point moving to a new office

We are moving to a new office – not far from the present location. Until the new office is ready we will be working in the building on the small courtyard, in the building of the Welfare Affairs Office, second floor (on the left from the place where our pavilion has been standing).  

Become a changemaker in your community

The Volunteer Center of the University of Warsaw and the Inna Przestrzeń Foundation would like to invite you to become a part of the students’ initiatives for the local community. The most important thing is to be motivated to act on the Ochota Campus and make changes in the Ochota Students’ Dorms Community. The obligatory

Informational meetings on legal issues

Welcome Point would like to invite all the non-EU citizens for two information meetings on legal issues concerning residence in Poland. The meetings will be conducted by representatives of International Organization for Migration – the leading intergovernmental organization specialized in migration law. The programme of the meetings includes: Legalization of residence in Poland (visa, permanent

Welcoming Mr Mohammed AlSarraf in our team

We are proud to announce that the Welcome Point will have a new staff member – Mr Mohammed ‘Muha’ Alsarraf, who is a Biology PhD and works at the University of Warsaw. He came from Iraq to Poland to study in 2006, and started with a Polish course at Polonicum. Then, he decided to take