Get inspired in Warsaw

Each year more and more international students and researchers come to the University of Warsaw with various ideas, motivation and background.

We would like to present some of them on our website. The first person is Dr. Lucas Pastor, a postdoc at the Institute of Informatics of UW.

Self-presentation workshop

Self-presentation during job interviews, workshop on Tuesday 10th April , 10:30 am-12:30 pm.

Psychological Counselling Centre at the UW

The University of Warsaw opened its Psychological Counselling Center. UW students and employees can get there psychological support. The centre also provides psychoeducation and diagnosis.

 – Our university has been eliminating obstacles for many years. Psychological problems belong to these barriers – said Prof. Jolanta Choińska-Mika, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching, during the ceremony of opening of the unit. – We are a community and we want to help each other.

Easter paper lambs – workshop

Easter is getting closer and the University Volunteer Centre invites everyone to participate in a workshop „Mission: Easter lambs”. You will have the opportunity to make Easter paper lambs, which will be delivered to the Warsaw Children’s Hospital.

Legalisation of stay – informational meeting

Welcome Point would like to invite all the non-EU citizens for two information meetings on legal issues concerning residence in Poland. The meetings will be conducted by representatives of International Organization for Migration on 12 March 2018 (Monday).

Warsaw Multicultural Centre: activities, courses and counsels

Warsaw Multicultural Centre (Jagiellońska 54) invites the International Students of the University of Warsaw to participate in activities and courses:
– Open celebrations of the Chinese New Year of Dog
– Polish Language Course for Foreigners
– Psychotherapy in English
– Legal advice

Welcome Point in a new office

We have moved to a new office! We are waiting for all international students in the main campus, just next to the main gate (turn right when you come in the campus through the main gate).  

The 4th edition of UVVolley competition is coming! 

The UW Students’ Union invites all volleyball lovers from the University of Warsaw to compete on the volleyball pitch on 10th of March 2018.
What do you have to do to take part in this year’s UVVolley?
1. Find 6-10 people who want to be in your team. Remember that the teams have to be coeducational (men and women have to be involved).
2. Fill out the registration form.
The deadline for enrollment: 28th of February 2018

BUW for owls, 22nd January – 3rd February 2018

The University of Warsaw Library has a special offer for you: BUW for owls. From 22nd January (Monday) to 3rd February 2018 (Saturday) the University of Warsaw Library will be open until 5 am.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

The Welcome Point team wishes you Marry Christmas full of joy and laughter, spent in the atmosphere of magic wherever you stay – in Poland or in any other place in the World. May the New Year bring good memories and positive surprises. Wesołych Świąt i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!