Why UW?

If you are having doubts about which HEI to choose, let us convince you that University of Warsaw is the best choice!

Admissions for academic year 2019/2020

Admissions for studies in the upcoming 2019/20 academic year start on June 5th, 2019. We think it is a good time to gather here some basic information on how the process of applying for studies here looks like.

Miasteczko na styku kultur – Cultural Hot-Spot UW

Meet people from all over the world, learn about their countries and culture, taste foreign cuisine, and take part in multiple workshops, meetings, and debates. All in one place and one time. Visit Miasteczko na styku kultur – Cultural Hot Spot UW on Main Campus UW on May 17 and discover multicultural side of University of Warsaw!

Scholarships from Łukasiewicz Programme

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has announced opening of another enrollment process for scholarships. This time the programme is dedicated to citizens of developing countries.

Multicultural Meetings

The Volunteer Centre is starting the Multicultural Meetings at the University of Warsaw in the frames of the Multicultural Volunteering Project!

4EU+ Alliance

The 4EU+ universities respond to the call of the European Commission regarding the European Universities Initiative. They strive to address the great socio-political and economic challenges in Europe.