Picnic with the Volunteer Centre of The University of Warsaw.
Clay workshop 2nd edition – Майстер-клас з глини
We are pleased to announce that the WELCOME POINT team has prepared another event for you. We would like to invite you again to the clay workshop, the first was very popular, for this we are doing a second edition! You are very Welcome!
Main Campus Walk in English for UW International Employees – 14.06.2023
Main Campus Walk for UW Employees – 14.06.2023, 2 PM.
University Picnic for Employees and Doctoral Students on 2nd June
An annual celebration – a picnic for the UW employees and doctoral students will take place on 2nd June!
Drawing on the roof – Малювання на даху!
We are pleased to announce that the WELCOME POINT team has prepared a new event for you. This time we invite you to the meeting: Drawing on the roof – Малювання на даху!
Workshop: Exams are coming! How to be(come) effective learner and get rid of unnecessary stress.
The tough time of exams is coming up and to help you prepare for them we have a workshop.
We invite you to take part in the screening of the film “Blindfolded” by Taras Dron – Запрошуємо Вас взяти участь у кінопоказі фільму режисера Тараса Дроня “Із зав’язаними очима”
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the film screening of the film “Blindfolded” by Taras Dron on Wednesday 24 May or Thursday 25 May.
Legalisation of stay in Poland – informational meetings for Students and PhD Students
Between JUWenalia, Cultural Hot Spot and the exam session, don’t miss the time to take care of more down-to-earth matters like legalization of stay. Special covid regulations introduced in March 2020 extending the time to apply for a temporary residence permit is slowly coming to an end.
jUWenalia 2023 – students’ festival
The Students’ Union of the University of Warsaw invites you to the students’ festival! jUWenalia UW will take place on May 12 and 13, 2023.
We invite you to the lecture “History of Ukrainian Design” – Запрошуємо на лекцію “Історія українського дизайну”
We are pleased to announce that the WELCOME POINT team has prepared a new event for you. This time we invite you to the lecture “History of Ukrainian Design”.