We would like to invite you to a tour through the Ukrainian military cemetery in Warsaw – Екскурсія українським військовим цвинтарем у Варшаві
Library Training 2023
This year we would like to invite you to a library training session on October 26, which will take place in the building of the University of Warsaw Library (BUW) at 55/66 Dobra Str.
Campus Orientation 2023 – guided walks at the UW Main Campus
Campus Orientation will allow you to familiarize yourself with the most important buildings that make up the Main Campus, as well as with the Main Campus in general.
Welcome Point’s Pavilion open for all international newcomers at UW
Visit the Main Campus and see yourself!
You can still register for Onboarding at the UW workshop
Registration is open till Wednesday 20 September.
Wool paintings – Картини з вовни
We would like to invite you to Clay workshop – Майстер-клас з глини! Immerse yourself in the joy of wool painting and feel like an artist!
ZIP and NAWA adaptation workshops: Onboarding at the UW & Cultural Orientation in Poland
Registration has begun. Hurry up!
PE classes in English for winter semester 2023/2024 and free PE classes for students, PhD students, and employees in September.
PE classes for winter semester 2023/2024 and free PE classes for students, PhD students, and employees in September.
Clay workshop – Майстер-клас з глини
We would like to invite you to Clay workshop – Майстер-клас з глини! Immerse yourself in the joy of clay modelling and feel like an artist!
Admission for Ukraine / Зустріч на тему Варшавського Університету
ENGLISH below Команда WELCOME POINT запрошує на останню онлайн зустріч присвячену Варшавському Університету на платформі Zoom! Зустріч відбудеться 06.09 о 13:00! Буде особливо корисно і цікаво для тих, хто збирається вступати на навчання вже цього року або ж наступного. Якщо ви зацікавлені вступом на Університет в цьому році – ви ще маєте змогу подати свої