In order to present the effects of the European STudent Engagement Project (European STEP), and to enhance the discussion about mechanisms and good practices of student engagement The Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw is happy to announce the online event Student Engagement – Recognition and Inclusion Tools, which will take place on April 23. We would like to invite students, university staff members, organisations and institutions interested in the topic of facilitation and development of various forms of student engagement.
- When?
Friday 23.04.2021 (April 23) 9:45-15:45 ( 9:45am-3:45pm, CET)
- Where?
ZOOM Platform
Main topics of the event:
- National and institutional perspectives of the recognition of student engagement across the EU.
- Good practices of the recognition and support for student extracurricular activities established at European universities.
- Student engagement in the uncertain time of pandemics and social isolation.
- Communication and promotion of various forms of student engagement.
- Variety of competences and skills gained through Student Engagement.
- Student engagement as a tool for enhancing diversity in the academic community.
- Practical approaches to recognition and support of student engagement at the universities.
On the agenda of the event: presentations, workshops, and an expert panel.
Detailed Agenda and registration form here.
The registration for the event is open until April 18.
Please do not wait until the last moment, as the number of the participants is limited.
All participants will receive a certificate of participation.
Participation in the event is free of charge.