Open call for applications for the Interstudent 2023 competition

The 13th edition of the INTERSTUDENT competition for the best international student in Poland is here! The competition is aimed at international students in Poland at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level who through their activities build bridges between cultures and enrich the Polish academic environment.

Candidates should be active in such fields as culture, social life, ecology or sports and promote multicultural ideas among their peers. They are also expected to be in good academic standing.

Candidatures for INTERSTUDENT 2023 contest can be submitted by professors, tutors, university authorities, international offices, student’s unions, as well as candidate’s colleagues.

The last edition was won by student of our University – Karen Nyakato Kyabega from the Faculty of Political Science. So if you know someone who can follow in her footsteps, don’t hesitate to nominate them! 😉

Application deadline: 10th of January, 2023

The official results of the competition will be announced during the annual conference “Foreign students in Poland”, which will be held on February 9th, 2023 during the conference “Foreign students in Poland 2023”, hosted by the Medical University of Bialystok.

You can find more information on the contest, as well as the application form, here.